I took these today in the snow blizzard. Slightly ridiculous, slightly cold, but, I like them. I have the same photo twice, on account I couldn't decide which one I liked better. I really really like the first one. (It makes me look very mysterious) The blanket I used has a lot of meaning for me, it was my first pony's- Secret's blanket. I got him when I was 9 or 10 and I only got to be with him for three days. He passed away on the third day. It is very long and extremely unhappy story that comes down to the previous owners telling the greenhorn kid to give him green grass all day and large amounts of gain. Both of which Secret hadn't had in a long, long time. He got very sick from the rich food and coliced. (His insides wrapped around themselves) Hence, I keep this blanket in a cabinet and only take it out once in a while to burry my nose in it and think of Secret.
Secret and I
Those snowy photos are incredible! You must have been freezing!