These photographs are from a summer course I took last summer from
Columbia College in Chicago. It was a 8 week course on photography,
ending with a final project. This photographic story line was my final
project of the summer. The final project was up to you to think of and
photograph, photoshop (if need be) then present to the class for
critique. Mine was the only "story" and I had to edit it down a lot from
it's original 13 photographs. I had a very interesting time photographing
all the scenes from a story board I had made up with only myself a
tripod and a remote time. (oh my!). I went to GoodWill to pick up an old
dress, took the photos, then tweaked the photos slightly with photoshop
to get the look I wanted. Hope you all like the story.
P.S. They were originally tiffs then I had to resize them online
(I don't have photoshop) so the color of the photos themselves are a bit off.